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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just a quick note...

I can't believe its less than a week until Thanksgiving! As I sit on my couch typing this post I'm listening to the wind blow outside and cringing at the 20 degree temperatures outside knowing that I still have to take the dogs for the their evening walk....My coworker, Bettie, likes to remind me there are x amount days until Christmas....I'm wondering if the count down will begin at 365 on December 26....

I'm half way through my third round of my weight loss program and I think this round is going really well.

As Bettie likes to tell me each morning I have 35 days to finish my Christmas projects, I'm happy to report that my Christmas projects are almost done...My goal is to have them in the mail two weeks before Christmas.

I can't put off the after dinner walk any longer I must take the dogs for a freezing walk...

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