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Monday, April 15, 2013

More P-patch photos

Paul finished putting two raised garden boxes together for me.

The first garden box is completed

The whole family had been feeling under the weather for several weeks. Hence our progress at the p-patch has been a little slow. The weather was good this morning so Paul loaded up our recycled wood in the truck and we headed down to the garden.

Monday, April 8, 2013

P-patch update

This an indirect p-patch update. Paul and I are reclaiming our patio at home which means we have some garden boxes that need to go away. Today we moved all the dirt out of our boxes and disassembled said boxes. I have some herbs ready to be transplanted in the new p-patch.

Paul did most of the heavy work today. I just dug the dirt out of the boxes. He disassembled the boxes,moved the dirt, and pressure washed the patio.

Apparently Paul was invisible to our neighbors because according to them I did all the work.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

P-Patch Update

Paul, Madeleine and spent a cool morning in our patch garden clearing more weeds. Paul has successfully cleared the "quack" grass from among our raspberry bushes that we inherited from the previous gardener.

Phase two starts next where we start transplanting plants from our garden at home so we can clear out the raised beds and recycle them in the p-patch. Our patio will become a play area and outdoor dining area once all the plants are in their new homes.

Here are picks from today.