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Saturday, February 21, 2015

A lot has happened since my last post.....

My last post was about Madeleine having play time at our local park in Queenanne.  I was currently expecting baby number two and had absolutely no energy...hint hint this is why its been almost a year since my last post.

On Father's day of last year my husband and I welcomed Cora Lois Shackelford into the world at 12:10am.  Cora is named for my Great Grandmother Cora Elizabeth Puderbaugh and my best friend, Lois Gauvin.

While I was enjoying my maternity leave our landlord decided to raise our rent to an unaffordable amount with or without a lease.  So in 60 days we qualified for a mortage, found a house and moved into it.  Slowly but surely the number of boxes in our garage gets smaller and smaller.  With the number of boxes dwindling the number of "honey do" projects keeps growing.

This past week Madeleine and I took advantage of the beautiful sunny weather and did some much needed yard work.  Especially since we are prepping our back yard for a big surprise....

In progress  

Then on Wednesday and Thursday when it was rainy and yucky outside we installed shelves in the garage for my plant lights and remodeled the laundry room/ closet.

the before shot of the laundry room:

The after shot:

Garage shelves: