Tomorrow is the big day of our move. We are leaving our beloved duplex in Queen Anne. Don't you wish that all landlords were created equal? But the puppies will have a fenced yard to play and Paul will be much closer to work.
Anyway here are the pictures:

I love all the new windows in this and the hardwood floors! Every room has wood flooring except the sunroom, master bedroom and bathroom.

A dining room for our beautiful dinning room set and china hutch (my Christmas Present from Paul)

I've actually cooked with gas heat, so cooking here will be a new experience.

The sunroom aka the puppy room.

The sunroom also have access to our back deck. There is a sliding glass door from the puppy room to the sunroom.

The spare bedroom that Paul and I will share as a sewing room/ office.
The bathroom. Need I say more. Not pictured in your tour is the master bedroom and the laundry room.