Most people who me know realize and respect the fact that I don't like talking about politics. In fact I absolutely LOATH election years. All the mud slinging and screeching from people about they are better than the person they are running against.
And there are the people who can't believe that I would have a different opinion about their favorite politician. Once it is discovered that I have different opinion then a lecture ensues about the great and wonderful assets of the favorite politician that I can't stand and have absolutely no respect for what so ever. With the lecture is more mudslinging about how horrible, ignorant and condescending the opponent of the favorite politician.
My political views are my own and deeply personal. I don't lecture anyone about their political views because I respect each person's opinions. It is my personal right as an American to chose who whoever I want to vote for and not be retailated against or yelled at or told I'm wrong.
Thank you I feel much better now.
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